Covid Safety Measures


Training Safely at Base19

With the novel COVID virus in general circulation, there are a number of precautionary measures that will be put in place at Base19 to minimise risk to clients and trainers.

In line with Government advice, a maximum of 6 amount of persons will be allowed in the facility at any given time until guidance is revised and a 2 metre minimum distance between clients and trainers will be required to ensure social distancing. Hand sanitiser will be provided on entry and upon leaving the facility. Each member will be asking to use disinfectant provided to wipe down the equipment after personal use and a further disinfectant of equipment will be done generally after each class/personal training session. Whilst PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will be available upon entry however this will not be required to be used udring exercise (abiding by Government advice). Trainers will wear masks unless otherwise exempt.

Whilst Base19 has shower facilities, we ask that clients do not use them during this time and is also be recommended that individuals come in their training kit to the gym to to further reduce risk of transmission between clients.

We value your safety above all else and using the guidance above we can minimise risks and still train hard and work towards your goals!

Base19 Rules of Entry

  1. Private sessions will last 55 minutes to allow for adequate time for clients to leave facility, disinfect equipment before next client/class arrives. Maximum of 4 clients (+2 trainers) will be allowed in the facility at one time.

  2. Those waiting for a session will be asked to wait in the entry area within the building, and maintain 2m distance between one another if >2 people.

  3. Upon arrival clients will be asked to used hand sanitiser and offered PPE if they wish to use it during the session.

  4. Clients will be provided disinfectant spray and asked to wipe down equipment after use.

  5. When leaving the gym it is recommended to re-sanitise. We ask that you do not use the shower facilities during this time in order to minimize risk of transmission.

  6. Windows will be kept open during sessions to ensure adequate ventilation of the studio.